Death, which is certain to happen to all of us, is a very important fact in one’s life. We can never know exactly what we will experience in an hour or even in the next moment. This being the case, it is obvious how wrong it would be to plan our lives based on events that may never happen. Death, on the other hand, is the only thing that is certain to happen. Only the recognition of this basic truth makes us understand that we must found our lives according to it. Death is also a part of the trial of man. As a Quran verse states
“Every soul shall have a taste of death. And you shall be paid in full your rewards only on the Day of Resurrection. So whosoever is removed away from the Fire and is made to enter Heaven has indeed attained his goal. And the life of this world is nothing but an illusory enjoyment” (Quran 3:185)
Death is the end of merely the life of this world-thus the end of the trial-and the beginning of the next life. For this reason, believers have no fear of death. The thought of death does not distress them, because, every moment of their lives is spent in the pursuit of good deeds as preparation for the hereafter.
Man is placed on earth only for a very short time. There, he will be tested, trained and then passed over to the Hereafter where he will stay forever. Quran describes God’s ultimate justice on Judgment Day, when everyone will be shown their past deeds
“Then, whoever has done an atom’s weight of good shall see it, and whoever has done an atom’s weight of evil shall (also) see it there.” (Quran 99:6-8)
“Based on his deeds, each one will have a different status (in paradise, and in hell), so that He may fully compensate them for their deeds. No one will be wronged” (Quran 46:19)
“Know that the life of the world is merely a game and a diversion and ostentation and a cause of boasting among yourselves and trying to outdo one another in wealth and children: like the plant-growth after rain which delights the cultivators, but then it withers and you see it turning yellow, and then it becomes broken stubble. In the Hereafter there is terrible punishment but also forgiveness from God and His good pleasure. The life of the world is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion.” (Quran, 57:20)
“And I (God) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)” (Quran 51:56)
From this verse, the purpose of life can be simply stated in only two words: Obey God. We must come to know our Creator, Sustainer and Ultimate Judge. We must learn to believe in Him, thank Him, praise Him, honor Him and worship Him, alone without any partners from His Creation. Worship of the One True Almighty God of the Universe [Allah in Arabic] as a primary goal or aim in life provides a believer with everything he needs to succeed in both this life and the Next Life (Life after death).
“But those who believe (in One God and his Last Messenger Muhammad) and do deeds of righteousness, We shall admit them to Gardens under which river flow (i.e. in paradise) to dwell therein forever. God’s promise is true. Whose speech could be truer than God’s? “(Al-Quran 4: 122)WHAT IS ISLAM?
Islam is a way of life. It is simple, practical, and easy to understand. Religion is not seen as something special to be isolated from life but as an integral part of everyday
Islam is based on five pillars.
Islam is based on five pillars.
- To declare”There is only one god, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Islam is based primarily on the Quran (the word of God) and secondarily on the authentic sunnah (the example of the prophet).
- To perform pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime if one has the financial means and health to do so.
- Establishing the regular five times ritualistic prayer [salat] in the stated times (in the mosques for the men when possible)4
- To fast during the month of Ramadan. (The purpose of fasting in Islam during Ramadan is not penance for sins, but rather to develop taqwa —God-consciousness.)
- To give charity to the poor.[2.5% of one’s holding]
There are six basic articles of faith.
There are six basic articles of faith.
- To believe in God.
- To believe his Angels.
- To believe his Apostles (like Abraham, Noah, Jacob, Joseph, Jonah, David, Solomon, Moses, Jesus, Muhammed ….. ) .
- To believe his revealed books (e.g. Taurat, Zabur to David, Injeel to Jesus, & Quran to Muhammed).
- To believe in resurrection, the Day of Judgment, and Heaven and Hell.
- Divine Decree: That God is omniscient (All Knowing) and has power over all things. A Muslim must believe Allah knows everything – past, present and future. Also, that God controls everything that exists and has ever existed.
Who Is A Muslim?
One who believe sincerely in their heart, the five pillars and the articles of faith called a Muslim. It is that simple!
One who believe sincerely in their heart, the five pillars and the articles of faith called a Muslim. It is that simple!
A man who believes allah, follows Quran and Prophet teachings alone called as true muslim , others ‘muslim in name only’. A true Muslim is God-fearing. He fears none but Almighty Allah. The fear of God guides him and helps him stay away from evils and empowers him to resist satanic temptations. He holds the commandments of his Lord most dear to him and obediently fulfills them with great pleasure. He performs five times prayers regularly and punctually with immense pleasure and proper concentration (there is a very severe penalty for leaving prayer).
A true Muslim loves Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the last prophet of Islam, more than his own dear life, for he believes that his faith remains incomplete unless he loves his prophet above all else. Having unshakable belief in the Holy Quran revealed on the prophet of Islam, he also has firm belief in the saying of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The pleasure of Allah and his Apostle Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is his ultimate goal.
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