Proof Of God’s Existence
We have to ask ourselves a question. When you see a bridge, a building or an automobile, you automatically consider the person or company that constructed it. When you see a large ship, an airplane, a rocket, a satellite, international airport; you also think about how incredible it is. [You know by its design who the maker is.] Yet, these are just things that are manufactured by human beings.
So what about the human body with its massive and intricate control systems? Think about it. Think about the brain: how it thinks, functions, analyzes, retrieves and stores information, as well as distinguishes and categorizes information in a millionth of a second, all of this constantly. Think about the brain for a moment. (And don’t forget the fact that you are using your brain to consider itself!) This is the brain that made the automobile, the rocket ships, the boats, and so on. Think about the brain and who made that!
Think about the heart. Think about how it pumps continuously for sixty or seventy years [taking in and discharging blood throughout the body] maintaining steady precision throughout the life of the person. Think about your eyes, the human cameras, that adjust, focus, interpret, evaluate, discern color automatically, naturally receiving and adjusting to light and distance. Think about it-Who created them? Who has mastered their design and function? Who plans and regulates their function? Human beings do this? No, of course not.
Think about the oceans, the fish, the insects, the birds, the plants, bacteria, and chemical elements that have not yet been discovered and cannot be detected even with the most sophisticated instruments. Yet each of them has a law that they follow. Do these things function perfectly and perpetually also by chance? No, of course not. That would be totally illogical and foolish. In the least, it indicates that however it came to be-it exists beyond the realm of human capability.
We will all agree to that. The Being, The Almighty Power, God, The Creator who has the knowledge to design and proportion crated all of this and is responsible for maintaining it. He is the only one that deserves praise and gratitude.
God’s Questions to arrogant people who deny his existence
To those arrogant people who deny the existence of God, Allah questions them about His creatures,
“Do you ever think about the seeds you sow in the soil? Do you make them grow? Or is it We Who turns the seeds into a field full of crops?”[Quran 56:63-64]
“Did you bring the trees (and forests) into being? Or is it We Who causes them to be?”[Quran 56:72]
“Then tell Me (about) the human semen that you emit. Is it you who create it (i.e. make this semen into a perfect human being), or are We the Creator?” [Quran 56:58-59]
Can Men Create a Fly?
In another verse, Allah challenges others to create a fly if they could do it. Men may be could make robots from things that created by Allah. Yet, none could make a fly from nothing nor thing that could reproduce except Allah:
“O ye folk! a parable is struck out for you, so listen to it. Verily, those on whom ye call beside God could never create a fly if they all united together to do it, and if the fly should despoil them of aught they could not snatch it away from it – weak is both the seeker and the sought.”[Quran 22:73]
Is there a Controller of the Universe?
There are millions of people controlling the traffic on road, sea, and air. Beacons are built. People also build traffic light and radar. Air Traffic Control is built to prevent accident. All vehicles have drivers. Even though there are many controllers, the accidents still happen. On the contrary, the Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars, and others always revolve for billions of years without single crash. Most scientists believe that the Earth, Sun, and all of the other planets and moons in the solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago. For billions of years until now the Earth never bump into the Sun, and the Sun never collides with the Moon. If we really think about it then we will know that God exist. Muslims also believe that this world neither created itself, nor that it came from nothing – and we believe that it is a product of Intelligence, rather than chance.
“And He is the One Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Each is afloat in its orbit” [Quran 21:33]
“Do you not see how your Lord spreads out darkness? If He wanted, He could make it permanent! But He appointed the sun as a pilot (to drive away the darkness)” [Quran 25:45]
“Do you not observe? Allah causes the night to take over the day, and He pushes the day over the night. He tamed the sun and the moon. Each of them is in motion for a specified term. Allah is well aware of everything you do” [Quran 31:29]
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